10 Common Questions Asked for Web Content Writers in Interviews.

In a growing digitalization trend, every product or service requires unique and best content that attracts more visitors to their online presence or websites. There is a huge demand for web content writers for all business which come on online. Web Content Writers are paid well based on their experience and overall skill in creating and publishing content that can be ranked on search engines.

Apart from full-time opportunities, many content writers pick free-lance opportunities for making extra earnings apart from their salaries. Its believed that Good Content writers with 5-8 years of experience of creating good trending content and publishing will stay at highly paid jobs or will be a freelance digital content strategist earning more than a salaried job.

The best part of content Writing Career is there is no age limit of learning something good and better with continuous improvements and business goals. Content writing skills will have high demand in India as India is going to be the best for outsourcing as per industry estimates for most of the content writing projects from US and European countries.

It’s the right time for many fresh job seekers with graduation who are skilled at writing, understanding product, services, target audience  & internet research to get into Content writing careers.

The designations offered in companies for content writers based on the experience are

  • Creative Content Writer
  • Digital Content Strategist
  • Marketing Content Writes
  • Content Development Specialist.
  • Technical Writer (in IT companies)

Salaries in India for Content Writing positions vary from 15K to 4.5 Lakhs per month based on the skill and experience.

The below are a few questions asked in an interview at REJAG Technologies, Bangalore during hiring Web Content Writers.

1. What is the strategy called for getting content to visible for the right people?

Ans.  Audience Targeting

2. What is A/B testing and Why?

Ans. Always Be Testing,  To keep on testing what type of headlines works the best to attract visitors on content.

3. Important points to be considered in landing pages?

Ans. 1. Relevant content

2. Attractive headings at Top, Mid & Bottom of page

3. Call to action in all possible points.

4. What do your Headlines are intended to do in your content?

Ans. Call out  OR target the specific audience  & carry the important information of the content.

5. What does a good content mean in a website?

Ans. Achieving the business goal.

6. What you should not add to the content?

Ans. Irrelevant information

7. Name a few audiences targeting techniques?

Ans. 1. Retargeting

2. Geotargting

3. lookalike audience

4. Trending

8. what is the other name of headlines specified in this document?

Ans.  Branding Text

9. What is sponsored content?

Ans. Promotional content that the product or service owners pay publishers to publish.

10. Name top 8 checklist points to be checked before publishing the content?

Ans.  1. Images  2. Headlines  3. Readability & Compatibility 4. No. of keywords set to rank  5.Size of the content  6.Keywords  7.Target Audience  8. Grammar & Copy write.

I hope the above information gives a fair idea of a content writing career and helps you to choose the best job that you love.
